
"Why are you not fighting for your country?" asked the soldier, pointing his gun to my head.
"Because I don't believe in war," I said, "but most of all because I don't believe in countries."
"You don't believe in your country?"
"To be born in one country or another is purely accidental. I could stand for this country or for the one you call your country, so I decided not to stand for any of them."
"I just want a peaceful life."
"So you're a coward," said him, looking at my wife.
"No I'm not, otherwise I would beg for my life."
"Beg for your life, then, and I'll spare your life."
"If you think I deserve to die there's nothing in this world that would change your mind."
He looked at my wife again. Then someone called him from outside. He looked at me again, winced, then vanished.

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